Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Final Reflection Post

My experiences in EME2040 were career changing. This was my first online class that I have taken and in this class I got to share, evaluate, create, and learn things I never knew before. Out of all the three classes I took this semester I learned the most from this class. I believe EME2040 has given me new insight on what it is like to be a teacher and the choices I will get to make in my own classroom which are fundamental to my student’s success. The textbook was a great tool to use because these chapters included so much useful information including: NETS Standards, 21st century technologies examples, real-life situations, learning goals, activities, tech tools, and topics for reflection and discussion. There were so many examples of apps, websites, and other types of technologies that can be used to enhance teaching and learning and throughout the chapters I kept a list and added to it so when I do start teaching I can incorporate some of these awesome tools into my lessons. The discussion posts were really inspirational too because although this is an online course these posts allowed me to feel like I knew my classmates because their posts were personal and so opinionated. On one of my discussion posts I wrote about my personal experiences of being an English language learner and all the great things that my teachers did to help me ease into this new culture and language. Activities in this class were fun and even group projects were enjoyable. I didn’t believe that group projects could be done online but our group lesson plan and wiki turned out great, I am very proud of my entire group and what we have accomplished together this semester.  Through the creation of my lesson plan I was able to learn more about special and diverse needs students and what accommodations I could possibly provide to help them succeed. What I have learned about special and diverse needs students in this class is one of the most important things I take from EME2040. Through the lesson plan, web quest, and teacher webpage I created in this course I was able to meet the learning objective of using technology as a medium and a goal of k-2 instruction. In my personal opinion I feel like technology has been successful to improve teaching and learning for students.
A report, IT Opportunities in the Education Market, revealed that 78 percent of K-12 teachers and administrators believe technology has positively impacted the classroom and the productivity of students. Roughly 65 percent of educators surveyed also believe that students are more productive today than they were three years ago due to the increased reliance on technology in the classroom. (Lytle, 2011)
It was awesome to create entire projects that not only include technology but emphasizes it as an essential part of the student’s learning. In most of the projects I created in this class such as the lesson plan, teacher webpage, and website review I had to choose specific software and hardware tools that I felt were most effective so I had to critique and evaluate which tools are best for these projects and in a k-12 setting. For example story bird and bitstrips were two of the technology tools that I thought were most effective and this is backed up by the stats of them being in the top 10 educational technology resources (Poulos). Through creating my teacher webpage, web-quest, and wiki I was able to learn more about how technology can help with my classroom management, administration, and teaching.

This class overall has taught me a lot. There's a lot of effective materials and assignments that helped me get a good grade. I never thought an online class would go so well for me but it did thanks to specific instructions provided. I would like to see more examples added to this course so students can have more to use as reference for their work. 

Interactive whiteboard at CeBIT 2007.jpg
"Interactive whiteboard at CeBIT 2007" by svonog - Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons.


Lytle, R. (2011, July 14). Study: Emerging Technology Has Positive Impact in Classroom. Retrieved December 10, 2014, from US News:
Poulos, H. (n.d.). Top 10 Educational Technology Resources. Retrieved 12 09, 2014, from Teacher Vision:
Snovog. (2007, March 18). Interactive whiteboard at CeBIT 2007. Retrieved December 10, 2014, from Flickr:

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Chapter 12- Digital Badge #L



Mgroga02. (2009, 05 15). Integrating Technology into classrooms. Retrieved 11 28, 2014, from YouTube:

Robert W. Maloy, R.-E. V.-O. (2013). Transforming Learning With New Technologies 2nd
edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Digital Badge #K


Clarke, B. (2010, 10 16). Texture/Background 11. Retrieved 11 10, 2014, from Flickr:

DG, A. (2013, 02 02). Bookmarking is my hobby. Retrieved 11 10, 2014, from Flickr:

Goldbach, B. (2014, 07 15). Pinboard. Retrieved 11 10, 2014, from Flickr:

Joe. (2011, 11 16). Background. Retrieved 11 10, 2014, from Flickr:

tanakawho. (2014, 01 22). Textures and Patterns. Retrieved 11 10, 2014, from Flickr:

Webtreats. (2009, 05 23). Free Social Media Networking Icons - Ultra Glossy Silver Buttons. Retrieved 11 10, 2014, from Flickr:

Wiertz, S. (2011, 04). Paper Pile. Retrieved 11 10, 2014, from Flickr:

Robert W. Maloy, R.-E. V.-O. (2013). Transforming Learning With New Technologies 2nd
edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Digital Badge #J


Robert W. Maloy, R.-E. V.-O. (2013). Transforming Learning With New Technologies 2nd
edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Digital Badge #I

Chapter 4 is a really useful one for my future. I have been familiar with lesson plans before but I have never taken it apart like this chapter did. I now know the elements of lesson development and I think this will make me a better teacher because I understand how these elements will affect my lessons. It surprised me just how much options there are available for learning assessments. When it comes to the 2 types of learning assessments I can see where the benefits and downfalls to each are. I would prefer to use performance assessments with my students because it allows for me to see their creative side and get to know their interests better than a standard test on a paper with multiple choice or fill in the blank responses. The downfall to performance assessments is that it takes more time and it puts more stress on the students who work better without all that freedom. I am that type of students that if I have a lot of freedom on what I get to do for a project I get overwhelmed and shut down. I prefer test assessments because I can study what I need to know and I know everyone else is going to have the same questions as me. When it comes to performance assessments I always worry I am doing the wrong thing. Which assessment truly measures student learning is an opinion. I think they’re both pretty great and should be used in the classroom. Student learning objectives is important to include in lesson plans because it guides the students on what they are meant to be learning and they can check if they are on the right track this way. Objectives allow teachers to remind students where this lesson is headed and it helps keep them on track. I want to make my objectives very detailed and clear so my students can get the most out of a lesson possible. Using electronic grading software is so unbelievable because it gives teachers a quick way to grade students. When technology was not available teachers had to spend hours grading papers and this allows for less stress on the teacher and students. The students get to see their grades right away and the teacher can just input them. When I first heard about this software I was really surprised that this existed. I can only imagine what the future holds in terms of technology. 


Robert W. Maloy, R.-E. V.-O. (2013). Transforming Learning With New Technologies 2nd
edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Digital Badge #H

teaching tools

Expressing Creativity with Multimedia Technologies

Students are interested in technology so in a multimedia classroom teachers will be able to retain their attention longer therefore the opportunities for learning are increased dramatically. Some tools that can be used to help students learn successfully are PowerPoints, digital projectors, and document cameras. Most classrooms at this age have at least one of these tools. Teachers are moving past their boards and onto technology that they can provide visuals and sounds along with what they are teaching. PowerPoints can be used in many ways. Some ways to use this tool with students is to use images to generate class discussions, promote visuals on topics, display questions and comments, use slides as attention getters and many more. With so many ways to effectively use this tool to ensure learning I don’t see why teachers would not utilize it. I personally love power points. My favorite thing to do with them is develop my own PowerPoint learning games such as jeopardy. These games serve an educational purpose but because of the way it is set up children find it more appealing and pay closer attention. When I am a teacher I will be using PowerPoint all the time. I believe that multimedia tools are a must these days to lead students to success.

In this chapter some next generation presentation tools were mentioned that I find interesting.  Most of the tools I have become familiar with recently are new to me. There are a lot of different tools that can be used in the classroom that I had never heard of before this class. This chapter mentions tools like Prezi, animoto, and glogster. Prezi I have become familiar with while doing my digital badges but the other two I have never heard of. Glogster really appeals to me because it lets teachers and students create digital posters and I love posters. I plan to utilize many of the new tools I learned about in this class in my classroom. I find so many of them interesting and I can see how different learners will be attracted to different tools.

Using videos in the classroom are an effective learning tool. The reasons for this are because videos catch the student interest, there’s an abundance of resources for them, and they are a unique learning experience. I remember when I was in school I would get really tired of listening to my teachers voice and when videos were played I was thankful to hear a different voice. I really want to use videos in my classroom. What I have learned not to do with videos from observing other teachers has been to make them too long. I’ve seen teachers use videos that go on for too long and those lose the student’s interest eventually. I also want to make videos with my students. The school I work at uses khan academy to find important educational topic videos. These videos are person because they are made without showing people’s faces so there are no privacy issues and they serve an educational need. Khan academy is very popular in schools right now. 


Robert W. Maloy, R.-E. V.-O. (2013). Transforming Learning With New Technologies 2nd
edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Digital Badge #G

 Diversity on PhotoPeach


Images, D. (2010, 02 06). Harmony Day. Retrieved 10 05, 2014, from Wikipedia:

Maps, W. G. (2014). Colorful World Political Map Wall Mural. Retrieved 10 07, 2014, from World Maps Online:

Megghuther. (2012, 09 06). Around the World for Kids . Retrieved 10 07, 2014, from YouTube:

Robert W. Maloy, R.-E. V.-O. (2013). Transforming Learning With New Technologies 2nd 
edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Severns, C. J. (2007, 09 27). Schoolgirls in Bamozai. Retrieved 10 05, 2014, from Wikipedia:

Vielfalt, F. (2014, 10 06). Diversity Management . Retrieved 10 07, 2014, from Wikipedia:

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Digital Badge #F Chapter 8

Powered by emaze Resources:

Geralt. (2013, 11 25). internet network. Retrieved 09 27, 2014, from Pixabay:

Liz. (2007, 08 19). Elementary classroom in Alaska. Retrieved 09 28, 2014, from Wikimedia Commons:

Robert W. Maloy, R.-E. V.-O. (2013). Transforming Learning With New Technologies 2nd edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Teachers, O. C. (2011, 04 04). Professional Advisory: Electronic Communication, Social Media from Ontario College of Teachers. Retrieved 09 27, 2014, from YouTube:

Karakatsanis, J. (2013, 07 15). flickr. Retrieved 09 26, 2014, from LG Optimus F5:

Friday, September 26, 2014

Digital Badge # E Chapter 7


Robert W. Maloy, R.-E. V.-O. (2013). Transforming Learning With New Technologies 2nd edition.               Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.
Zimmermann, j.-l. (2008, 11 19). awaken-your-problem-solver-from-within-mind-map. Retrieved 09               22, 2014, from Flickr:

Digital Badge | Piktochart Infographic Editor

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Digital Badge #D Chapter 5 is a mindmap tool that could be used to highlight concepts of a textbook chapter reading as done here for Chapter 5 in Transforming Learning with New Technology.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Digital Badge #C Chapter 3


Burke, W. (2012, 12 27). Howard Gardner: Digital Technology and A Well-Rounded Education. Retrieved 09 11, 2014, from dmlcentral:
John Larmer, J. R. (2010, 09). Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning. Retrieved 09 11, 2014, from ASCD:
Robert W. Maloy, R.-E. V.-O. (2013). Transforming Learning With New Technologies 2nd edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Digital Badge #B Chapter 2

Thursday, September 4, 2014

In Chapter 2 there’s a section called A Career That Matters that I can truly relate to. It states in this chapter how teaching is a career that matters to everyone which I couldn’t agree more. I believe that this career is one that shapes a person’s entire life because at a young age is when children form their values and morals that they often carry on for the rest of their lives. So many people help shape every one of us into becoming who we are today and when we are young we absorb that information from our surroundings. Children often look up to the adults that they love so being a teacher is a very rewarding career and definitely one that matters. Personally I can remember the best teachers I had and I know that my way of thinking has been profoundly influenced by them. This section is very important because it talks about what is expected from teachers and just how important our careers as educators will be. As a teacher we have a responsibility to assure success for every one of our students. We have to overcome challenges to be able to help our students be successful and once we reach this goal we feel a sense of accomplishment. These are all reasons why I chose this career. I want to teach my students everything that truly matters. I think we complain too much about new generations or generations to come but teachers have a real power to ensure the next generations will be successful and they can really influence their students. I know this career is right for me because it makes me happy knowing that I can create a positive change in someone’s life through teaching.
In chapter 2 it is also stated that teachers often teach as they were taught. I think this is a very true statement and also very troublesome. Teachers tend to stick to what they know and many are afraid of change (which is why some oppose using technology) but without change they fail to engage their students because they aren’t interested in the past. There’s no way to engage a student that lives in a digital age by using a chalk board or even a smart board. Students don’t care to learn by sitting in their desks taking notes all day. That may have worked in the past but the world is changing and therefore teachers must embrace these changes in their classrooms. I know I personally wouldn’t be able to learn the way my parents did. There’s no way I would be able to pay attention if I had to listen to lectures all day and didn't get to do anything hands on. In my opinion there’s no point in being a teacher if we fail at getting our students attention. Education routines kill learning. These routines of taking notes, completing worksheets, and taking tests are not teaching our students anything. This is a huge reason why teaching through technology is so important. I find it shocking that some teachers refuse to change their teaching styles because this is the only way they can truly make a difference.
While reading critics of technology in schools I kept an open mind and I can relate to both sides. I think technology in school will enhance teaching because it will be easier to captive the student’s attention better through technology. I also understand that too much technology use may lead to students being lazier and less creative. With everything at their fingertips they won’t have to work so hard to get their work done. For these reasons I want to teach using technology as a tool to help them learn but I also want to get them to think for themselves. I plan on teaching using technology but not depending on it. Sometimes I will let my students use their technology for research but I want to encourage them to create their own opinions and learn through their own experiences as well.

In conclusion this chapter had so much helpful information. I still strongly believe that using technology in schools can be positive and it can help tremendously improve learning. 


Rose, D. J. (2011, 03 12). YouTube. Retrieved 09 02, 2014, from Technology in the Classroom:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

Digital Badge #A Chapter 1

Chapter 1 was a real eye opener for me. I knew before reading the chapter that technology has become a part of everyday life for children all over the globe but I had no idea the percentages are so high. It comes to me as no surprise however that the use of technology varies dramatically based on family income and race. As a future teacher this worries me and strikes me as an important issue because as teachers start to incorporate technology more in their lessons I can see a problem appearing for those who do not have access to these tools. Those who come from low income families haven’t had as much practice with these tools and some haven’t had any practice at all so they will be falling behind in their class while those who come from wealthier families will excel at it. I completely agree with using technology as a new way to teach students because I find it effective and efficient but I do see a problem rising for those students who will need extra help just to learn how to use these tools before they can even begin to learn the concepts teachers are trying to get them to understand.
It’s incredible to me how technology is used in so many different ways for so many different purposes. In this chapter it lists gaming, music download, social networking, online research, checking assignments, and so many other ways that technology is used both for personal and educational use. In school and out of school technology is used in completely different ways. It can be used as an entertainment tool for the students as well as a learning tool in their classrooms. Although too much technology use has been criticized and frowned upon for years it is important that students, teachers, and parents understand just how useful such a tool can be. Taking something that the students are already interested in and making it educational will lead to more knowledge than was ever achieved before. “Conveying 21st century skills to students will prepare everyone for productive lives and fulfilling careers.” (Maloy, 2013). As a teacher our ultimate goal is to get our students to live productive lives and fulfilling careers and using technology in our classroom will help us achieve this goal. I believe that with new devices emerging in the near future technology will only become more significant in the lives of children from future generations so it’s time for teachers to utilize this tool to understand their students and teach them successfully.
Technological pedagogical content knowledge is bringing together 3 different forms of knowledge to produce exciting learning experiences for students. I can relate to this because as a future teacher I would like to use it to teach my students and I understand just how vital it is to use all these different forms of knowledge so I can meet my student’s needs. Since I will have a variety of students and they are all unique and learn at different paces and ways it is important that I find a way to teach every type of learner. By using TPACK I will be able to make sure I meet all of their needs and ensure that they are successful at learning.
In conclusion this entire chapter was very helpful to my understanding of how technology can be used as a teaching tool.


Maloy, R., O'Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.